Boost Your Efficiency with Linux Commands: Tips and Tricks for Faster Workflows

24 Must-Know Linux Command Line Commands

Vishesh Singh
5 min readJun 15, 2023
Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

The Linux command line is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with the operating system and perform various tasks efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Linux user, having a solid grasp of essential command line commands is crucial for navigating the system, managing files and directories, and performing administrative tasks.

In this post, we will explore 24 must-know Linux command line commands that will enhance your productivity and help you become a more proficient Linux user.

1. sudo command:

The sudo command grants users administrative privileges and allows them to execute commands that require root access. It’s a crucial command for performing administrative tasks securely.


sudo [command]

2. pwd command:

The pwd command displays the current working directory, providing you with the full path to your current location in the file system.


pwd [option]

3. cd command:

The cd command is used to change directories and navigate through the file system. It allows you to move to different directories and access files and directories.


cd [directory]

4. ls command:

The ls command lists files and directories in the current directory or a specified directory. It helps you explore the contents of a directory and provides information about files and directories.


ls [option] [directory]

5. cat command:

The cat command is used to display the content of files. It allows you to view the contents of a single file or concatenate multiple files together.


cat [file]

6. cp command:

The cp command is used to copy files and directories. It enables you to duplicate files and directories, either within the same location or to a different directory.


cp [option] [source] [destination]

7. mv command:

The mv command is used to move or rename files and directories. It allows you to relocate files and directories or change their names.


mv [option] [source] [destination]

8. mkdir command:

The mkdir command creates new directories. It helps you organize your files by allowing you to create directory structures.


mkdir [option] [directory]

9. rmdir command:

The rmdir command is used to remove empty directories. It enables you to delete directories that don’t contain any files or subdirectories.


rmdir [option] [directory]

10. rm command:

The rm command is used to remove files and directories. It allows you to delete files and directories permanently.


rm [option] [file/directory]

11. touch command:

The touch command creates new files or updates the timestamp of existing files. It’s commonly used to create empty files or modify file timestamps.


touch [option] [file]

12. grep command:

The grep command is used to search for specific patterns or strings in files. It helps you find and extract information from text files.


grep [option] [pattern] [file]

13. find command:

The find command is used to search for files and directories based on various criteria. It allows you to locate files using different attributes like name, size, or modification time.


find [path] [expression]

14. tar command:

The tar command is used to create, extract, and manage tar archives. It’s commonly used for compressing and decompressing files and directories.


tar [option] [archive_file] [file/directory]

15. chmod command:

The chmod command is used to change the permissions of files and directories. It allows you to control who can read, write, and execute files.


chmod [option] [permission] [file/directory]

16. chown command:

The chown command is used to change the ownership of files and directories. It allows you to assign ownership to a specific user or group.


chown [option] [user:group] [file/directory]

17. ps command:

The ps command provides information about running processes on your system. It allows you to view process details such as process ID, CPU usage, and memory consumption.


ps [option]

18. top command:

The top command displays real-time information about system processes. It provides an interactive interface showing CPU usage, memory usage, and other system statistics.



19. grep command:

The grep command is used to search for specific patterns or strings in files. It helps you find and extract information from text files.


grep [option] [pattern] [file]

20. sed command:

The sed command is a powerful stream editor used for text manipulation. It allows you to search, find, and replace text within files.


sed [option] [pattern] [replacement] [file]

21. wget command:

The wget command is used to download files from the internet. It supports downloading files using various protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.


wget [option] [URL]

22. ssh command:

The ssh command allows you to securely connect to remote systems over a network. It provides a secure shell connection for remote administration or file transfer.


ssh [user]@[host]

23.tar command:

The tar command is used to create, extract, and manage tar archives. It’s commonly used for compressing and decompressing files and directories.


tar [option] [archive_file] [file/directory]

24. history command:

The history command displays a list of previously executed commands. It helps you recall and reuse commands from your command line history.


history [option]

Bottom Line:

Linux commands can be executed not only through a dedicated Linux terminal but also through other command-line interfaces such as Git Bash or within integrated development environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code (VSCode). Both Git Bash and VSCode provide a convenient way to interact with the command line on Windows systems.

To run Linux commands using Git Bash, you need to have Git Bash installed on your system. Git Bash is a shell environment that provides a Unix-like command line experience on Windows. Once installed, you can open Git Bash and execute Linux commands just like you would in a Linux terminal.

Similarly, VSCode offers an integrated terminal that allows you to run commands within the editor. To use the integrated terminal in VSCode, you can open the command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P), search for “Toggle Integrated Terminal,” and select it. This will open a terminal at the bottom of the VSCode window, where you can execute Linux commands.

Bonus: “Linux Command Line Cheatsheet by DaveChild

Mastering the command line is a valuable skill that allows you to efficiently interact with your system, whether you’re using Linux or Windows. These 24 must-know command line commands provide a solid foundation for navigating the file system, managing files and directories, performing administrative tasks, and manipulating text. Whether you’re using Git Bash on Windows or the native Linux terminal, these commands will empower you to streamline your workflows and become a more proficient user. With practice and exploration, you can further expand your command line knowledge and fasten your productivity, regardless of the operating system you’re working with.



Vishesh Singh
Vishesh Singh

Written by Vishesh Singh

Full Stack Dev || Tech Enthusiast

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