A Beginner’s Guide to CRUD Operations: Understanding the Basics

Vishesh Singh
3 min readMay 15, 2023



In the realm of web development and database management, CRUD operations serve as the fundamental building blocks for interacting with data. In this blog, we will explore what CRUD is, delve into its operations, understand how to perform them, and discuss their significance in the context of RESTful API development.

What is CRUD?

CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It represents the basic operations involved in persistent storage systems, allowing developers to manage data in databases or through APIs. CRUD operations are essential for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting data entities.

  1. Create: Adding new data entities to a system is the essence of the Create operation. In a RESTful API, this operation is typically carried out using the HTTP method POST. To create a resource, the API receives data in the request payload and stores it in the appropriate location, usually a database. For example, in a blog API, a POST request can be used to create a new article by sending the article data to the server.
  2. Read: The Read operation focuses on retrieving data from a system. In RESTful APIs, it aligns with the HTTP method GET. By making a GET request to a specific URI, the API returns the requested data. For instance, a GET request to /articles retrieves a list of articles, while a GET request to /articles/{articleId} fetches a specific article based on its unique identifier.
  3. Update: Modifying existing data entities is the core of the Update operation. In RESTful APIs, this operation corresponds to the HTTP methods PUT or PATCH. A PUT request replaces the entire resource with new data, whereas a PATCH request updates specific fields. For example, a PUT request to /articles/{articleId} would update the entire article with the provided data, while a PATCH request might modify only the article’s title or content.
  4. Delete: The Delete operation involves removing data entities from a system. In RESTful APIs, this operation is mapped to the HTTP method DELETE. By sending a DELETE request to a specific URI, the API deletes the corresponding resource. For instance, a DELETE request to /articles/{articleId} would remove the article identified by {articleId} from the system.

Performing CRUD Operations in a RESTful API:

To perform CRUD operations in a RESTful API, follow these general steps:

  1. Identify the Resources: Determine the data entities you want to manage, such as articles, users, or products.
  2. Design URIs: Define the URI structure for each resource, ensuring they are clear and intuitive. For example, /articles or /users/{userId}.
  3. Assign Appropriate HTTP Methods: Associate the corresponding HTTP methods to the desired CRUD operations. Use POST for Create, GET for Read, PUT or PATCH for Update, and DELETE for Delete.
  4. Implement Request Handlers: Develop server-side code to handle the incoming HTTP requests and perform the respective CRUD operations on the data. This involves interacting with the database or storage system.
  5. Test and Validate: Use tools like Postman or cURL to test your API endpoints and ensure they correctly execute the desired CRUD operations. Verify the responses and data integrity.

Further Reading: For more comprehensive information on RESTful API development, you can refer to our previous blog: Understanding REST/RESTful APIs


Understanding CRUD operations is crucial for managing data in any persistent storage system, including RESTful APIs. By grasping the concept of Create, Read, Update, and Delete, and implementing these operations within your API, you can effectively handle data and build powerful applications. Remember to follow best practices, thoroughly test your API endpoints, and ensure data integrity throughout the process.

Thank you for reading! If you have any doubts or questions, please feel free to drop a comment below.



Vishesh Singh
Vishesh Singh

Written by Vishesh Singh

Full Stack Dev || Tech Enthusiast

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